1. C.Linga Reddy and Trond Ytterdal, ”Clock
jitter impact on the performance of general charge sampling amplifiers,” Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal
Processing, August, 2009 (Accepted).
2. C.Linga Reddy, Tajeshwar Singh and Trond Ytterdal,
1V Transimpedance Amplifier in 90nm CMOS for Medical Ultrasound Imaging,”
3. C.Linga Reddy and Trond Ytterdal, ”1V Transimpedance Amplifier in 90nm CMOS for Medical Ultrasound
Imaging,” IEEE NORCHIP – 2009.
4. Yamaner, Yalçın
Feysel and Cenkeramaddi, Linga Reddy et. al., “Front-end IC design for intravascular
ultrasound imaging,” PhD. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics, IEEE PRIME 2008., Boğaziçi Un'versity, Istanbul.
5. Ayhan
Bozkurt, C.Linga Reddy, F.Yalcin Yamaner and Trond Ytterdal ”A Low Noise Capacitive Feedback Analog Front-end for
cMUT based IVUS: Experimental Results,” 7th International workshop on Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers, May 8-9, 2008.
6. B.B.Larsen and C.Linga Reddy, "Mixed Signal
IC Design," 7th European workshop on Microelectronics Education (EWME-2008), May 28 - 30, 2008.
7. C.Linga Reddy, Ayhan Bozkurt, Yalacin Yamaner
and Trond Ytterdal, “A Low Noise Capacitive Feedback Analog Front-end for CMUTs in IVUS Imaging,” IEEE Ultrasonics
Symposium, 2007.
8. B.B.Larsen, C.Linga Reddy and Jukka Typpo,
”Readout and Control Circuit for a Four Pixel Digital Camera as Semester Project,” IEEE International Conference
on Microelectronic System Education, June 2-4, 2007.
9. Ayhan Bozkurt, F.Yalcin Yamaner and C.Linga
Reddy, ”IC Design for 2D cMUT Arrays: High voltage CMOS Design Issues, Experimental Results and New Amplifier Topologies,” 6th
International workshop on Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers, May 25-27,
10. C.Linga Reddy and Trond Ytterdal, ”Analysis
and Design of a 1V Charge Sampling Readout Amplifier in 90nm CMOS for Medical Imaging,” IEEE VLSI-DAT, April 25-27, 2007.
11. C.Linga Reddy,
Tajeshwar Singh and Trond Ytterdal, ”Self-biased Charge Sampling Amplifier in 90nm CMOS for Medical Ultrasound
Imaging,” IEEE GLSVLSI, March 11-13, 2007.
12. C.Linga Reddy
and Trond Ytterdal, ”Jitter Analysis of General Charge Sampling Amplifiers,” IEEE ISCAS, 2006.
13. Kumar M.J. and
C.Linga Reddy, "Silicon-on-Insulator Lateral Dual Sidewall Schottky (SOI-LDSS) Concept for Improved Rectifier Performance:
A Two-Dimensional Simulation Study," Microelectronics International,
vol. 23, No.1, pp. 16-18, January 2006.
14. Thomas Halvorsrød,
C.Linga Reddy, Arne Rønnekleiv and Trond Ytterdal, “A Discrete Time µBeamformer for CMUT Arrays – Behavioral Simulations
Using SystemC,” IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2005.
15. Kumar M.J. and C.Linga Reddy,
“A New Dual bandgap Emitter Schottky Collector PNM HBT on SOI with Reduced Collector Emitter Offset Voltage,”
IEE Proceedings on Circuits, Devices and Systems,
Vol.151, April 2004.
16. Kumar M.J. and C.Linga Reddy,
“A New High Voltage 4H-SiC Lateral Dual Sidewall Schottky (LDSS) Rectifier: Theoretical Investigation and Analysis,”
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
Vol.50, pp.1690-1693, July 2003.
17. Kumar M.J. and C.Linga Reddy,
“A Novel SiC Emitter, SiGe Base Lateral Schottky Collector NPM HBT on SOI,” Microelectronics Reliability Journal, Vol.43,
pp.1145-1149, July 2003.
18. Kumar M.J. and C.Linga Reddy,
“A New dual-bandgap SiC-on-Si P-emitter, SiGe N-base, lateral Schottky Metal-collector (PNM) HBT on SOI with reduced
collector-emitter offset-voltage,” IEEE
TENCON 2003.
19. Kumar M.J. and C.Linga Reddy, “Application of Lateral Dual Sidewall Schottky (LDSS)
Concept for Improved Rectifier Performance on SOI - Design and Optimization,” IEEE TENCON - 2003.
20. Kumar M.J. and C.Linga
Reddy, “A Novel 4H-SiC Lateral Dual Sidewall Schottky Rectifier with excellent forward and reverse characteristics,”
International Conference on Circuits, Signals, and Systems (CSS' 03) Cancun, Mexico, May 19-21, 2003.